Legion Village Foundation
Building an enhanced quality of life for seniors in our community by expanding our capacity and decreasing the waitlist for those in need.

Legion Village is a registered non-profit organization and is supported by donors through planned gifts and fundraisers. The money goes towards building maintenance, new building projects, staff support, and other important areas that help run a seniors living complex.
If you or a loved one would like to donate to Legion Village, you can do so many different ways.
Legacy Gift
Legion Village has been part of the extended family of many of our residents and it saddens us when members of our resident family pass away. Leave a gift that lives on and let your legacy start today! Legacy gifts are distributed after you pass away and can be made up of a specific dollar amount, a percentage of your assets, or an item of value.
Legacy giving is a way to leave the lasting legacy of generosity and captures an important part of your life story. Your gift might also cause others to think about their own philanthropic goals and inspire them to give back as well.
If you’d like to discuss a legacy gift with us, we would love to hear from you.
Donations through Life Insurance
Life Income
In Memoriam Gifts
In Honour Gifts
For more information, contact the Director of Office Operations at (905) 372-8705 ext. 101
Charitable Registration Number 862942612