Village View December 2024

New Tenant Orientation

We will be holding another New Tenant meeting in January to welcome all of the tenants that are new to Legion Village. At these meetings, we discuss safety issues, including fire safety and evacuation, and some of our activities we have in the Rec Hall and lounges. This is a great opportunity to meet your Board Member Tenant Representatives. The date of the next
meeting is Thursday January 16th at 1 PM in the second floor lounge. Please see January calendar to confirm date and location.

November generous donations
– Many residents made generous donations to help us fund the Staff Appreciation Week. The staff and management were very grateful for all of the donations that were made. We sincerely appreciate the support!
– In memory of Kathy M and Sharon C by Doris R; Enid H; Nobie C; Joanne M; Alice S and Marie O
– Donations in Memory of someone, or for Resident Activity Fund can be made at anytime in the office. Please leave donations in an envelope, with your name and unit# so we can issue a tax receipt for donations in memory over $15. Tax receipts are issued by the end of the month, each month.

Dining Room and Visitors
We still have a few spots available for the Christmas Turkey Dinner in the dining room. Once spots fill up, we will be creating a waiting list. If you wish to have yourself, or someone added to the list, please let Tammy know by December 6th at 3 p.m. Special thanks to Tammy Elder for taking the calls. Residents that normally eat in the dining room, but will not be attending,
must let Tammy know by December 22nd so we can call those on the wait list.

Christmas Decorations
As you will see, our elves have been very busy decorating Legion Village. Thank you to the Activity Team for a great job decorating and creating the Christmas spirit. Special thanks to Tammy and Chyvone, and our Maintenance Team for making Legion Village look festive once more. It looks wonderful and brings many smiles to the faces of the staff and residents.
Special thanks to the maintenance crew for starting to put the outdoor lights up as well. It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas!

Staff Appreciation Week
We at Legion Village appreciate all the hard work and dedication to the residents shown by our staff. It is in this spirit that we celebrated the staff for the week of November 11th to 15th We had lots of nice treats and meals and gifts all around thanks in part to your generous donations. Many of the staff asked me to put a note of appreciation in the Village View to say how much they enjoyed the daily appreciation. Thank you to the residents for their support.

Legion Village Food Drive and Food Pantry
Legion Village will be accepting donations in the main lounge of non-perishable food items for residents of Legion Village that may be experiencing food insecurity. We will be assembling the items in our upstairs storage room and allowing residents that may need some food items to shop in our Food Pantry. We will be running this pantry year-round to ensure that all Legion Village’s residents have good meals every day. If you wish to drop off frozen items, we can accept those donations in the office during regular business office hours. If you are experiencing food insecurity and wish to utilize the Food Pantry, please contact the office for a time to shop and choose items. Thank you to everyone who has already donated, and a special thank-you to the Board of Directors for their donation to help stock the shelves.

Salvation Army Donation Box
Again, this year, the Salvation Army will be placing a box in the front lobby for donations, beginning on Friday December 6th. Please remember those in need of food and toy donations at this time of the year.

November Board Highlights
– The Annual General Meeting (AGM) was held on Friday, November 22nd at 9:30 a.m. We had a good turnout again this year. Thanks to all those that attended An update of the meeting events will be sent out next month after the Board approves the minutes.
– The Board approved one Director at the AGM. Robert Marr joins the Board of Directors, with vast knowledge in planning and development, and as a previous local restaurant owner.
– Executive Positions on the Board were filled by Fred Horvath, President; Jack Pearson, Vice-President; Janet Kyle, Secretary and John Coutts as Treasurer. Josephine Upton will move into the Past-President role.

Maintenance Department Requests
– A blue binder sits on the table around the corner of the screening desk, and this is where you should write down any requests for service from maintenance. Putting it in the book creates a record and ensures we get to everyone promptly.
– Another reminder not to leave your things in the hallways and in lounges. If you do not want something in your apartment, please throw it away in an appropriate manner.
– Jake and the Maintenance crew conducted evacuation drills in two sections of the building for Fire Safety purposes on November 26th. We have recently given each resident an orange evacuation placard. This will be going into a clear envelope, with Fire Safety instructions to be placed on the back of the door. We will be attaching the packages and all contents in your apartment for you soon, if you did not receive one.

To better serve all tenants in an emergency, we would like to remind you of the “EMS Datasheet”. This information was placed in a standard location on the back of the door of each apartment. In the event of an emergency, this will help PSWs provide the necessary information to 911 dispatch and to EMS personnel by quickly accessing the information they need to provide you with the best possible care. We encourage you to fill out the form voluntarily and return it to us as soon as possible if you did not receive one.


Flu Shot Clinics
We had a local pharmacist from Cobourg Drug Mart conduct a flu shot and Covid vaccine clinic in November. The receipts for the flu shot have been recorded in our database for HKPR Public Health Unit information.

Christmas Opening
We have arranged for Unrehearsed to come in and entertain the residents with their vocalizations on Thursday December 5th at 2pm in the Rec Hall. The Pub will be open from 2-4 PM. Please join us to celebrate the beginning of the holiday season.

Annual Tea and Bazaar
The Annual Tea and Christmas Bazaar will be held on Saturday November 30th from 10:00 am to 1:00 pm in the Rec Hall. We will be serving tea and food and have outside vendors selling their items all in the name of charity. All proceeds will be announced in the January Village View.

Christmas Events
December 5th at 2:00 pm – Christmas Opener in the Rec Hall and Pub Open.
December 6th at 9:30 am trip to shop at Belleville Mall and Casino trip.
December 6th at 6:30 pm St Andrews Choir in the Rec Hall
December 7th at 2:00pm the Northumberland Players in the Main Lounge
December 12th at 5 PM Christmas Turkey Dinner in the Rec Hall (must have purchased ticket)
December 17th at 5:30 pm – Christmas Lights Tour on Old Scugog Road Bus Trip. Sign up sheet
on the bulletin board
December 18th at 2:00pm Birthday Party in the Rec Hall. Pub Open. Memory Lane Singers in
the Phase 3 Lounge at 2:00 pm
December 23rd at 2:00pm The Best Christmas Pageant Ever Reading in the Main Lounge.
December 25th and 26th Office and Store Closed for Christmas and Boxing Day.
December 27th Pat Reid and Friends in Phase 3 at 7:00pm
December 31st at 12:00pm New Year’s Eve Potluck Party in the Rec Hall. Pub Open

And finally……..

Please enjoy the festivities planned at Legion Village for December. If you are leaving us to celebrate with family outside our walls, we wish you all the best for a safe and happy visit.
Celebrate safely and may you all have a very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.

Michael Eden
Executive Director
(Santa’s Helper)